Library Card Sign Up Month 2024 Recap
September is over, and fall is on its way. We had an absolutely amazing Library Card Sign Up Month (LCSUM)!!! Thank you to everyone who participated – from the 50+ businesses offering discounts to library card holders, to the Saline County residents who signed up for a library card or renewed their card, and everyone who visited the library during the month of September to keep it a thriving event hub. THANK YOU. Every year we are stunned by the how engaged the citizens of Saline County are in our community.
During LCSUM, we showcased the variety of books, digital resources, and programs available at your local library for free. (Did you know you can also access games and test prep materials, too?) But the good news is that your superpowers don’t have to end! A library card can help you enhance your skills, broaden your horizons, and improve your job prospects year-round. You can access passport services, educational and entertaining programs, video games, and a treasure trove of books and audiobooks. Let your family and friends know there is a whole new world to explore at your local library: if you or someone you know doesn’t have a library card, register for a library card today.

Our goal this year was to supercharge at least 500 people in our community with brand new powers via a new library card. We were shocked to see that not only had we met our goal, but far exceeded it! The amount of people who walked through the doors of our Benton, Bryant, and East End branches in September was incredible. We were so happy to meet you, help you sign up for your library cards, play games during our many programs and events, and find the perfect books, audiobooks and other materials for you!
Speaking of… holy moly! Check out what Y’ALL checked out!

On social media, our community was just as engaged. We reached a ton of you through those little magical devices in your pockets or your computers at home! Our Facebook and Instagram have never been more poppin’. But the real stunning numbers are how many visitors checked out our website – counting in the millions!

We want to thank everyone for participating in Library Card Sign Up Month one more time. To put it simply: YOU GUYS ROCK. And we can’t wait till next year to do it all over again, and exceed our goals again!