Playing Catch-Up: How your library card can help kids with lost learning
Over the Covid-19 pandemic, many children suffered significant learning loss due to school closures and distance learning. According to a study by Horace Mann Educators Corporation, more than 97% of teachers reported their students are behind compared to pre-pandemic classes.

As parents and caregivers work with their kids to fill in those learning gaps, the library can help! Here is a list of some of the learning resources the library offers:
Learning Express has interactive tutorials, practice exams, flashcards, articles, and e-books. You can use LearningExpress for basic skills mastery, academic success, test preparation, and career advancement.
ERIC- The Education Resources Information Center – is the largest education database in the world. This is an excellent resource to help caregivers who are tutoring children and need help with curriculum and teaching guides.
Brainfuse offers resources for students from k-12 through college. Read lessons. Watch videos. Take tests. Know more.
World Book Kids is designed to encourage the young learner to be curious. This online encyclopedia includes eBooks, videos, activities, read-aloud, and translation features. With thousands of articles, multimedia content, and a collection of biographies, there is something for all levels of learners.
World Book Student is aimed toward an audience of upper-elementary through middle school students. Specific features include a timeline builder, individual research accounts, and a “How to Do Research” feature that will help students develop information literacy skills.
For a complete list of online resources accessible with your library card, visit our website.