Why is Summer Reading Important?

Here at the Saline County Library, we are excited for our summer reading program, and we hope you are, too! Summer reading can benefit everyone of all ages. It has way more benefits than just a free t-shirt!

Young children and babies can benefit so much from being read to. Just a few of the benefits are an increase in their vocabulary, lengthening of their attention span, encouraging positive feelings toward books, and creating and special bonding time for child and caregiver.

School-age children can experience something called the summer slide, where academic skills are lost over the summer months. Exercising a child’s brain by reading every day helps to prevent this from happening.

Some benefits of reading apply to everyone of all ages. Reading allows us to place ourselves in another person’s shoes, and we can exercise our empathy. Reading can also be stress-reducing, increases general knowledge, and is free entertainment-especially when you come to your local library! So come for the free t-shirt and stick around for everything else!